Color Management and Workflow Features in Photoshop CS6 Public Beta

Concerns about Photoshop Upgrades in General I’ve heard photographers complain, as Photoshop updates appear, that the newer versions are really not about photography, or the at least not the features they use for photo editing, and that some of the new features actually get in the way of the things they need to do. IContinue reading “Color Management and Workflow Features in Photoshop CS6 Public Beta”

Lightroom 4.1 Conversion Example

I have had requests for an example, not of a new image processed through Lightroom 4’s improved controls, but an older image that was problematic, moved forward to the new method. Its a fair question: what can the new Process2012 do for an older image? I selected an image that I could clearly recall havingContinue reading “Lightroom 4.1 Conversion Example”

Lightroom 4 and How it Processes Older Image Files

The History Photographers who have been using Lightroom for at least two years have images originally processed through Lightroom 2, Lightroom 3, and Lightroom 4 in their image libraries. Its important to understand how Lightroom 4 (V4.1 is actually used in all testing and examples) interacts with these legacy files. Moving from Lightroom 2 (whichContinue reading “Lightroom 4 and How it Processes Older Image Files”

Enhanced Functionalities in Lightroom 4

Adobe’s Photoshop Lightrooom 4, and its recent update v4.1 offer a new set of functions, defined as Process 2012. These new functions add or remove a control or two, and reworks others. While this is not as radical a set of changes as moving from Photoshop CS5 to CS6, it still requires some acclimation, thoughContinue reading “Enhanced Functionalities in Lightroom 4”